732 523-0904 - Phoenix Recovery [email protected]
Date of Application:
Full Name (First & Last Name):
Location: —Please choose an option—Asbury Park, NJ (MALE)Eatontown, NJ (MALE)Brick, NJ (MALE)Long Branch, NJ (FEMALE)Eatontown, NJ (FEMALE)
Present Address:
Date of Birth:
Emergency Contact(s):
Emergency Contact(s) #:
List your Present Employer:
Employer Address:
Employer Supervisor/Contact Person:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes (If Yes, Please explain below)No [group crimeg][/group]
Are you presently in the legal system? Yes (If Yes, Please explain below)No [group legalg][/group]
List any (current) Parole or Probation Officers and contact numbers:
Are you addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? Yes (If Yes, Please explain below)No [group drugsg][/group]
Clean Date/Sobriety Date: [group drugsg][/group]
Have you ever been in a Treatment Facility? Yes (If Yes, Please explain below)No [group pretreatg][/group]
Are you taking any prescription medications? Yes (If Yes, Please list all medications below and reason)No [group presmedsg][/group]
Have you ever been in a Recovery House, Halfway House or similar facility? Yes (If Yes, explain when/where)No [group prerecovg][/group]
Do you have a Sponsor? Yes ( If Yes, Sponsor’s Name/#)No [group sponsorg][/group]
Phoenix Recovery House membership requires a $800.00 administrative entry fee. New residents' first two weekly rent payments are Included in this entry fee.
Rent is $200.00 per week, and is to be paid in full at each house meeting. Rooms are rented on a weekly basis only. Each week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. A rent arrearage (any overdue payments) can/will result in eviction. Provided a client departs clean/sober and in good standing (i.e., packs and carries his/her own belongings the day he/she departs, cleans his/her respective living area, does not return to the premises without permission, etc.) he/she is likely to receive a refund of any overpayment; anything less will result in a pro-rated refund or no refund at all. All refunds are given at the discretion of Phoenix Recovery LLC. Departing clients must allow at least (14) days for the processing of any refund.
I realize that the Phoenix Recovery House for which I am applying for residency requires complete abstinence from Drugs and Alcohol. Any use of Drugs and/or Alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate eviction from our residence(s). Disruptive and/or discourteous behavior within our residence(s) will not be tolerated and can/will result in eviction from our residence(s). Finally, a client's inability to maintain employment and pay his/her rent in a timely manner can/will result in eviction from our residence(s). By initialing/signing, I acknowledge agreement to the terms stated, and hereby waive my right(s) to normal due process afforded by local landlord-tenant laws.
Per the Division of Codes and Standards as it pertains to any licensed Class F CSLR please read and acknowledge you understand the following:
The references to N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.1 et seq., in (c) above notwithstanding, a resident of a cooperative sober living residence may be evicted from the residence by determination of the operator or vote of the residents depending on the procedure set forth in the house rules of the cooperative sober living residence regarding a violation of those rules, including, but not limited to, prohibitions against the possession or use of alcohol or drugs.
I have read all the material on this application, and answered each question honestly. I have a sincere desire to live Clean/Sober, and achieve comfortable recovery from alcoholism and/or drug addiction without relapse. Any questions I may have had were answered to my satisfaction.
The following terms and agreement are to be read and fully understood by the undersigned tenant of the Phoenix Recovery House.
Phoenix Recovery LLC is providing the undersigned tenant a place to reside in their recovery house in return for a contracted rental fee.
The undersigned understands that they shall live in the facility under the agreed upon contractual terms and rules as provided and explained, and may terminate their residence at any time.
Phoenix Recovery LLC provides strictly a sober living facility only and does not provide any counseling, nor restrict the undersigned from making their own personal choices as long as they do not violate facility rules as outlined in their contract for residence. Therefore, Phoenix Recovery LLC is not liable for any free will decisions made by residents, which includes but is not limited to any self-harming behaviors such as relapse, overdose, and/or death.
Phoenix Recovery LLC will provide a housing facility in normal condition, and shall not be held liable by the undersigned for any injury or loss to the tenant, or their belongings. The undersigned, by and through their signature, acknowledges that they are responsible for any injury or accident and will forever hold harmless Phoenix Recovery LLC, unless said provider is negligent in the cause of the loss.
The undersigned understands that Phoenix Recovery LLC carries only insurance to cover the dwelling and business assets located in the dwelling.
The undersigned will immediately notify Phoenix Recovery LLC, in writing, of any incident resulting in injury or loss. This will include a full accounting of the incident details.
Signed and dated this
Print Name:
You are in a Recovery House which is a Sober Living Environment. Your success and continuance in this environment is dependent upon your consistent good behavior and cooperation. Disruptive and/or discourteous behavior will not be tolerated. Any contact with illegal drugs and/or alcohol and/or violation of any of the following Rules & Guidelines can/will result in eviction. Your initials and signature indicate your understanding and agreement. When in doubt…ASK!
Consumption or possession of beverage alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited
Use or possession of illegal drugs in any form is strictly prohibited.
Use and/or possession of drugs and/or alcohol will result in immediate eviction. If evicted for drugs and/or alcohol the resident agrees to leave the premises immediately and not return for any reason whatsoever, without permission from Phoenix Recovery. Following an eviction for drug and/or alcohol use, residents have 20 minutes to pack their belongings and leave the premises. Any personal belongings left behind will be discarded after one week (7 days).
Lying, Cheating & Stealing are strictly prohibited. If caught, you will be fined and/or evicted.
Residents are required to submit to a Drug and Alcohol Screen/Test at any time (24/7) it is requested. A refusal and/or failure to provide an adequate sample will be treated the same as a positive test result. Any attempt to cheat/circumvent the test will result in a fine/eviction.
Daily attendance to “12-Step” meetings is strongly encouraged/recommended; the minimum weekly requirement for meeting attendance is (3) per week. Acceptable meeting attendance is seated & present prior to the opening prayer, present for all readings as well as the meeting itself up until and after the closing prayer has concluded. ARRIVE EARLY, STAY LATE! MEN WITH MEN, WOMEN WITH WOMEN! & D.U.M.F
Phoenix Recovery houses may have indoor security cameras placed openly in common areas for accountability and security purposes shall an incident occur. I understand that any security footage may be reviewed when necessary as well as acknowledge and accept residing at Phoenix Recovery under this condition.
Residents are required to get and maintain a working relationship with a Sponsor or Recovery Coach
Residents are required to maintain employment. If at any time a client is/becomes unemployed and is capable of working (not injured or sick), he/she must be out of the house actively seeking employment from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday through Friday, and is not permitted at the house during this time. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a fine and/or resident restriction. A resident's employment is prohibited from interfering with their adherence to any of the other terms of this agreement.
When arrears total two weeks of rent or more, house members will be placed on a rent contract until their balance reaches zero (0). While on rent contract weekly payments must exceed $175 until rent balance is zero (0). Any resident whose rent balance is negative for four (4) consecutive weeks can/will receive a fine.
Smoking inside any Phoenix Recovery home is strictly prohibited, failure to abide by this rule will result in the maximum fine/or eviction.
Phoenix Recovery LLC is NOT (at any time) responsible for a resident's personal item's/belonging(s). Residents are responsible for the security and safekeeping of their own personal item's/belongings and are to pack and carry their item's/belongings when they depart or when membership from the house has been terminated. If for any reason this does not occur, the resident may contact the House Manager or Phoenix Recovery regarding the retrieval/disposition of their personal item's/belongings. Phoenix Recovery will not store personal belongings for more than one week (7 days). Any item(s) left in the house following this period will be discarded.
Disruptive/Discourteous behavior will not be tolerated and can/will result in eviction.
Possession of weapons and threats of violence towards other house members is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Overnight guests are strictly prohibited during blackout and resident restriction periods. While in good standing, residents may have an overnight guest no more than two (2) times per week. Any girlfriend/boyfriend or significant other who stays past midnight (12:00 am) Monday – Thursday or 1:00 am Friday & Saturday will be considered an overnight guest. An environment which is conducive towards recovery is to be maintained at all times. Guests coming and going all hours of night is not necessary nor tolerated.
Personal guests are not permitted at the house beyond your curfew.
Guests cannot be under the influence or in possession of drugs and/or alcohol.
New Resident blackout curfew is 11:00 pm Sunday – Thursday, 12:00 am Friday & Saturday. Once House Members obtain Phase 1 and Phase 2 status, curfew becomes 12:00 am Sunday through Thursday and 1:00 am Friday & Saturday. When granted Senior Status (Phases 3 & 4) by Phoenix Recovery LLC, resident curfews become 1:00 am across the board and additional guest privileges are permitted. However, residents must adhere to stricter curfews when required (i.e., Parole, Probation, etc.) regardless of which Phoenix Recovery Phase a resident may have been granted. Failure to return to the house on time can/will result in eviction.
House quiet time is 11:00 pm to 5:00 am. Any activity (i.e., lights, loud TV, telephone conversations, music, etc.) that disturb another resident's ability to sleep/rest is prohibited. Be respectful and mindful to other house members.
Evicted Residents have 20 minutes to pack their belongings and are required to leave the premises immediately and not return under any circumstances.
House Business Meetings are held weekly at a date/time determined by Phoenix Recovery LLC and are mandatory for every member. An unexcused absence from any House Meeting can/will result in a fine/restriction and possible termination. Work, 12-step meetings, and/or personal obligations are prohibited from conflicting with the weekly house meeting.
Residents are not permitted in any bedroom other than their own without permission from the resident(s) residing in that room; they must also be accompanied by the permitting resident.
Thermostat is to be adjusted by the House Manager or most senior house member only.
Washer & Dryer -- Be courteous. Clean dryer lint screen before and after every use and do not leave clothes unattended in the washer/dryer.
Chores are required to be completed weekly. The Chore Coordinator is responsible for chore assignment and completion. Failure to complete assigned chore can/will result in a fine.
A good General Clean-up of all areas inside & outside the home is required at all times.
Beds are required to be made upon awakening. Respective areas are to be kept neat, clean and picked up at all times. NO SLOBS; YOU CAN/WILL BE FINED!
Turn off lights, TV's, Radio's, Fans, etc., when not in use. Exterior doors are required to be closed and locked when entering/exiting; no exceptions!
DOORS; Residents are prohibited from locking bedroom doors. THIS IS A MUST. Any member who attempts to lock their bedroom door can/will be fined/evicted. Any resident who gives the front or back door keypad access code to any non-house member will IMMEDIATELY be evicted.
Sleeping in common areas is prohibited.
Kitchen—Appliances, Counter-tops, Utensils, Dishes, Pots, Pans, etc. will be cleaned and returned to their respective place (immediately) after each use.
Refrigerator—Mark food/leftovers with Name/Date when initially placed in the refrigerator(s).
All prescribed Medication(s)/controlled substances found to be abused by a house member will result in eviction!
A violation of any one of the aforementioned Rules & Guidelines can/will result in a fine or eviction. Fines range from as little as $25.00, up to a full $125.00. Once a fine has been given, the fine amount is automatically added to the resident's weekly rent balance.
Every “new resident” entering a Phoenix Recovery house must adhere by any and all conditions of the New Resident Blackout period. Phoenix Recovery requires strict adherence to these conditions as well as all Rules & Guidelines. While on BLACKOUT:
Attend an NA/AA or 12-step meeting daily (minimum 3 per week).
Have a Sponsor or Recovery Coach (Residents are required to maintain a working relationship with a Sponsor/Recovery Coach).
Obtain a Home Group and attend this meeting regularly.
Have and fulfill a Service commitment within the 12-Step fellowship you attend.
Adhere to a 11:00 pm curfew Sunday – Thursday, and a 12:00 am curfew Friday & Saturday (If attendance to an evening “AA/NA” meeting is desired, you MUST be accompanied by another Phoenix Recovery house resident who is Phase 1 status or higher). Arriving home after curfew is not tolerated and thus will result in either an extended blackout period or eviction. If applicable, a second offense would result in IMMEDIATE expulsion. This rule is NOT NEGOTIABLE.
NO GUESTS allowed over the house while on New Resident status. NO OVERNIGHT PASSES or OVERNIGHT GUEST privileges while on New Resident status.
Be employed within two (2) weeks & have satisfied all financial obligations.
30 days is the minimum for a new resident blackout period, after this time, members in good standing will be up for Phase 1 review.
Satisfy all conditions of your agreement with Phoenix Recovery. A client will remain on new client status until all conditions of his/her agreement with Phoenix Recovery LLC are met/satisfied. If at any time a client violates the conditions of his/her agreement within Phoenix Recovery, their blackout period will automatically be extended.
RESIDENT RESTRICTION: Residents who are on either Phase 1, 2, 3 of 4 statuses, but fail to adhere to the Rules & Guidelines of the house will be placed on RESTRICTION. While on restriction you must follow the new client blackout guidelines for an allotted period of time.
Note: You are encouraged to become thoroughly familiar with all Rules & Guidelines and the conditions of your agreement with Phoenix Recovery. Ignorance is not an excuse!
I understand that I can be tested for Drugs and/or Alcohol at any time, for any reason, per my agreement with Phoenix Recovery. I am aware and have full knowledge that the person(s) administering the test(s) are my peers and not medical personnel. I am also aware that if I test positive, refuse compliance or attempt to cheat/circumvent the test in any way, I will be evicted from the Phoenix Recovery house and required to leave the premises immediately. My signature below indicates my understanding and consent.
Request a Call Back and our team will get in touch with you ASAP.